Rat City Bikes Recycles!

Recycle Logo Enviro-Stars Logo

Seventh Generation Waste Wise Logo

Read this book!

The Iroquois believe:
'In our every deliberation, we should consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations.'

We pride ourself in recycling over 90% of our waste. In 2002 we won the BEST Award for businesses that care about the environment
We're an EnviroStar Company - 5 Stars!
In 2003 we won an award from the EPA because of our waste reduction efforts.

EPA Logo

Here is fun company that makes clothing out of bike tires and tubes: Splaff Flopps

Cartridge World in the U-District recycles and refills printer ink cartridges. The owner James is a cyclist. They guarantee their refilled cartridges 100%.

All plastics shaped as a Tub or Bottle except #6 are recycleable in Seattle!

Alchemy Goods is a Seattle company that is making really cool messenger bags and other items out of used bike inner tubes. Check them out! We donate most of our tubes to them.

Old road bike inner tube make great tie-downs. We use them for packing a bike for shipping as the stretched rubber holds your tied-up bike very secure!

Don't forget that most flats can be patched with a normal patch kit. We do not recommend the lazy-man's instant stick-on patches (Park Glueless for example). We have seen many tubes leak at the glueless patch. We do sell them, but consider them a back-up to your regular kit in case the glue is dries out.

If you have any good old used bike parts or complete bikes, you can donate them to Bike Works in Columbia City. They are a non-profit bike shop for kids!

Other Recycling Links:
Plug Into Recycling (Electronics)
Green Disk Recycle CDs, Tapes and Disks
Total Reclaim
Tyvek Envelope Recycling


Bike Part Chess Set

All it takes is a little thought to use fewer resources and leave some for our children. Here are some easy, basic, but not so obvious things you can do to minimize your impact on the planet.

  1. When traveling or going out, keep a set of silverware and a cloth napkin in your car or hand bag that you can use at casual restaurants.
    It seems these days, most places insist on using paper plates & napkins and plastic "silverware". Mention to the owner that the place would be a lot classier with 'real' plates and eating utensils. Isn't it ironic that where you get a 'good' cup of coffee (Starbucks) they put it in a paper cup, but 'cheap' coffee (Denny's) comes in a ceramic mug! What really gets me is people sitting in the local coffee house drinking out of a double paper cup while the ceramic mugs sit idle on top of the espresso machine.
  2. If you forget your reusable mug, then perhaps don't get coffee that day. Your body will appreciate the break!
  3. Take reusable mugs to the coffee house! Keep 2 in your car (We sell holders for bikes!).
  4. When on vacation (from work, not life) find out what is locally recyclable, then direct your purchases toward that kind of product. For example on my last trip to Hawai'i we called the recycling center and found out what was recyclable (in this case glass, paper and aluminum). Then, when we purchased water, juice or beer :-) we made sure it was in glass or aluminum. We collected all the recyclables and took them to the recycler on the way to the airport. What little plastic we did purchase (bottled water), we stomped-on and stuffed in our suitcase for recycling in Seattle. Easy!
  5. When on the airplane, and they are serving drinks, ask that they reuse the first cup they give you. The waste on an airplane is AMAZING! Stop and watch how many trash bags get tossed off the plane after landing next time. Quite wastefull!
  6. Take Cloth bags to the grocery store.
  7. Reuse (wash) plastic vegetable bags or just don't use them! do you really need to put your oranges in a plastic bag to take to the register?
  8. Buy 100% recycled paper products, especially paper towels and toilet paper.
  9. Use cloth napkins and hand towels.
  10. Use cloth diapers. Our son never had diaper rash and only ever used 2 disposables his entire infancy.
  11. Use glass or plastic jars to purchase bulk goods. Mark the containers with their empty (tare) weight.
  12. Eat less meat. You don't have to become a vegtarian, just eat less. For one, you will live longer, for two you will use fewer resources. Meat production is a huge drain on resources. Half the water used in the USA goes toward growing meat!
  13. And of course buy organic whenever you can. Organically grown food uses fewer resources and less energy to produce.

Final Thoughts:

Conserve resources and energy. It literally is the only way out of the mess we are in!
Because of the population explosion, we all need to cut our use of everything by 90%. This is not a bad thing and will lead to new businesses like repair shops and used goods stores. Americans throw way too much away. We get nice bicycles donated to us all the time. And Bike Works is overflowing with bikes.

The cheapest or easiest way is not always the best for the planet or safest for your health. For instance, most paper is bleached with chlorine, which releases doxin (one of the most toxic and persistant poisons known to man) into the environment. Therefore, always buy recycled or non-bleached paper. Also look for alternatives to wood paper, like kneaf or hemp.
Ask yourself, 'What is the impact or coinsequences of each of my actions.' It all makes a difference! All things are connected. Our planet is finite! Save the Earth so Humans can live on it!